Since you display a special ability that demonstrates you're totally in command, people turn to you for help and support. Use this energy to assist others; later they’re likely to return kindnesses when you need a helping hand. In the process make sure you don’t lose sight of your goals, you have the power to achieve them, make sure that you do.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 EncountersPromising conditions win through in your existing relationships. You find your interactions with those close to you inspire and enrich your understanding. Nevertheless, don't think purely about the benefits these connections bring you but endeavour to interact on an emotional level as well. Otherwise, any usefulness or agreement is only short-lived.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 New ideasThrow off hindrances from the past, use this freed-up mental energy to begin new projects and develop a more creative approach. Don't be afraid to start afresh in personal relationships, revive friendships instead and rid yourself of long-standing encumbrances. This may cause some confusion at first but eventually pays off, your inner sense of calm helps.